Senin, 23 Mei 2011

A New Approach to Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality and Relationship Quality Research

by : Byron Sharp, Narelle Page, John Dawes
Published by : ANZMAC 2000 Visionary Marketing for the 21st Century: Facing the Challenge

In this paper we outline an overall approach for tracking service and relationship quality that differs substantially from the conventional paradigm. The conventional attitude-based approach relies on assumptions about the link between evaluations of service quality and subsequent behaviour which are not supported by the substantive body of research findings about buyer behaviour. The attitude-based approach also requires inferences to be made concerning what aspects of service provision determine the attitudes. Unfortunately the traditional approach is still widely practiced in commercial market research, as well as practised and taught in Universities. We therefore now explain a different approach which looks directly at service provision by using descriptive non-attitudinal measures and seeks to relate these to observed buying behaviours of interest. The approach has been trialled across a number of service categories and markets with promising results.

Most service companies have research programs designed to measure service quality, and/or customer satisfaction, and/or relationship quality. Such programs are designed to allow management to manage service provision and relationship building initiatives. They provide essential information to guide efforts to reduce variability in service quality and to provide customers with the service that will help ensure their continued patronage. While there is little direct evidence as to the link between service quality and better company performance, company-level data suggests a link between higher quality, higher market share and improved
profitability (Buzzell and Gale 1987; Buzzell et al. 1975; Rust and Zahorik 1993).

The Problem with Subjective Evaluations/Attitudes
Measuring service quality and satisfaction traditionally involves asking customers for subjective attitudinal evaluations, that is, asking if they personally felt the service they received was satisfactory. Many service and relationship quality measurement programs also ask customers for subjective evaluations ............

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Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Behavior Intention in Service Factory and Professional Service

- An Exploratory Research in Japanese Airlines Service and Hair Salon Service

by : Kaede Takahashi - Kobe University

The present study explores the dominant dimensions of service quality (SQ) and the interrelationship among service quality (SQ), customer satisfaction (SAT) and behavioralintention (BI) in two different service categories (service factory and professional service) in Japan. A customer survey was conducted to examine moderation hypotheses, which was analyzed by factor analysis and covariance structure analysis. The results show that the dominant dimensions of SQ are different in the two service categories. However, although there are positive effects both in SQ BI and SQ SAT BI, the indirect effect through SAT seemed more significant than the direct effect, regardless the difference between service categories.
Keyword : Japan, Service quality, Customer satisfaction, Behavioral intentions, Factor analysis


Most countries can be defined as “service economies”, because the contribution of the service sector to GDP is considerably greater than that manufacturing and agriculture combined. Japan is the country that seems to lag behind the rest of the highly industrialized countries in both service industry contributions to GDP and the share of the workforce employed in the service sector (Patrik STROM, 2005). According to the date of Japanese Statistic Bureau (2006), the rate of employment in service industry increased 9.6% compared with other industries.
􀀂 In both their general background and tendency, more and more researchers seem to become interested in service marketing and relationship marketing. In recent years, not only in academic world, relationship marketing has moved beyond the sphere of academia to be used to positively in the industrial world (Minami. C, 2006). However, many service managers have found that ........................

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Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).

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Senin, 07 Februari 2011

The Influence of Marketing Mix toward Students Intention to join HIPMI Student Chapter Widyatama University

by : R. Susanto, Harun Heri Trismiyanto, Meriza Hendri

(Dipublikasi pada : INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR & CONFERENCE Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Jakarta, November 5, 2010).

Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) Widyatama University student chapter had been set up around July 2010 at Widyatama University and it has been introduced through seminar and publication by printed media in Bandung. HIPMI has a committee to run this organization and one of them is marketing program through programs, joining fee, location and promotion as well as physical evidence, people and process. This research aims to analyze the influence of marketing program toward student’s intention to join HIPMI Widyatama University student chapter. Research objects are students of Widyatama University from Business and Management faculty. This study uses descriptive method. Questionare, interview and observation are used to collect data and descriptive statistical analysis is used to analyze data. Respondents know HIPMI Widyatama University student chapter. Respondents agreed that they know of the existence and secretariat of HIPMI Widyatama University student chapter. They believe with faculty coaches. Respondents were less agree with the benefits HIPMI Widyatama University student chapter for them. In addition, they are also sufficiently belief with the management and benefits programs offered to them. They are less aware of the program HIPMI Widyatama University student chapter. So is the way to join and participate in the program HIPMI Widyatama University student chapter. The latter is of interest to join only be considered adequate

Key words: marketing mix, HIPMI


Entrepreneurship becomes a priority matter by the Widyatama University currently reflected in the various programs developed by the rector to promote entrepreneurship for students. Campus target is to make students as job creators and not job seekers instead of. This is seen increasingly limited employment for university graduates. The development of entrepreneurship theme in line with the positioning Widyatama University campus that is friendly for future business pro.

To support the development of entrepreneurship for students, the university is also developing knowledge and skills of the lecturers on entrepreneurship through training offered by various institutions of higher education and the director general of the bank independent. They are expected to provide knowledge and experience about entrepreneurship to students.

Additional support is a matter of entrepreneurship curriculum provided to students. The curriculum becomes very important for the learning process of entrepreneurship at the Widyatama University. The curriculum used has been adjusted with the program that was developed by Bank Mandiri in collaboration with six universities in Indonesia, Indonesian University, Bandung Institute of Technology, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Padjadjaran University, Gadjah Mada University and the Institute of Technology Sepuluh November. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of students from the aspect of soft skills and hard skills. Student centered learning is developed so that students can be active in the process of entrepreneurship education. . . . . . .

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :

Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).

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(Studi Pada Jasa Kategori Possession Processing)

by :Rully Arlan Tjahyadi & Allen Kristiawan

(Dipublikasi pada : INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR & CONFERENCE Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Jakarta, November 5, 2010).


The purposes of this research is to examine the effect of customer-to-customer interaction (CCI) on customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, dan word-of-mouth communication. This studi also examine the role of service atmospherics as CCI’s antecedent. Individual-level analyses from a sample of 200 customers in auto repair service at Bandung was conducted to examine research hypotheses. The outliers, validity, reliability, and goodness of fit measures were conducted before hypotheses testing. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to examine four hypotheses. Results show that all hypotheses were supported. Findings indicate that CCI was a strong predictor of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and word-of-mouth communication. Findings also indicate that service atmospherics was an important element in shaping and facilitating CCI.

Keywords: service classification, service encounter, customer-to-customer

interaction, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, word-of-mouth



Konsep pemasaran menyatakan bahwa tujuan perusahaan adalah memuaskan kebutuhan pelanggan (Tansuhaj, Randall, & McCullough, 1988). Kualitas produk (barang atau jasa) merupakan salah satu pendorong utama dalam memuaskan kebutuhan pelanggan. Kualitas didefinisikan sebagai tingkat yang mana suatu produk dapat memuaskan pelanggan melalui pemenuhan kebutuhan, keinginan, dan ekspektasi pelanggan (Lovelock & Wright, 2002). Penilaian pelanggan terhadap kualitas barang berbeda dengan penilaiannya terhadap kualitas jasa (service quality). Kualitas barang ditentukan berdasarkan pada atribut-atribut fisik yang melekat, seperti durability (daya tahan). Dalam industri jasa, interaksi pelanggan dengan perusahaan jasa akan menentukan kualitas jasa (Bitner, 1990). Salomon et al. (1985) mengistilahkan interaksi antara pelanggan dengan penyedia jasa (service provider) sebagai service encounter.

Berbagai definisi service encounter telah dijelaskan oleh para ahli. Malhotra dan Mukherje (2004) mendefinisikan service encounter sebagai interaksi antara customer-contact employee (karyawan kontak-pelanggan) dengan pelanggan. Meuter dan Bitner (1998), dalam Lovelock dan Wright (2002) menjelaskan service encounter sebagai interaksi antara pelanggan dengan self-service equipment (misal ATM). Interaksi juga dapat terjadi antara pelanggan dengan atmosfir jasa (service athmosferics) atau lingkungan jasa (service environments) (Moore, Moore & Capella 2005). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa service encounter merupakan interaksi pelanggan selama mengkonsumsi jasa. Interkasi tersebut melibatkan interaksi personal antara pelanggan dengan karyawan kontak-pelanggan maupun interaksi antara pelanggan dengan self-service equipment dan atmosfir jasa. . . . .

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :

Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).

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